Loading map for stradedamoto

No License
{{state.phonestatus}} Device status reported at {{state.timeseen | datetimeformat_noyear}}
{{state.battery}}% Battery Battery status reported at {{state.batterytime | datetimeformat_noyear}}

Live Tracks {{::('M-L'|keyCmd)}} Plot .. Last 3600 locations Last hour worth of locations Last day worth of locations None Historic Tracks {{::('M-H'|keyCmd)}} Map Type {{::v}} Traffic Condition Device Status Remote Control Battery History Geofence Logbook Load Custom KML Overlay Show Custom KML Overlay Download all locations KML GPX CSV Download displayed locations KML GPX CSV Delete Delete chat history Delete all location history Show Coordinates Show Altitude Show Heading Show Battery-level Show Sunrise / Sunset Show Sun Overlay Show Geofences Show Stopovers Relations Show Relations Show Inactive Show Tracks Show Label Data Formatting Date mm/dd/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy Time 12:00:00 AM ( 12h ) 00:00:00 ( 24h ) Coordinate Decimal Degrees Degrees Minutes Seconds + Direction Distance and Speed Miles ( mi/h ) Kilometres ( km/h ) Nautical Miles ( knots ) Keep user's location centered Fit tracks on mouse-over Draw all tracks as one Draw old tracks on top of new {{settings.setting_playAudio?'Disable':'Enable'}} audio Load {{state.cn!=''?'regional':'default'}} settings Profile Map Product Licensing Helpdesk Leave Feedback Log Out
Load data between {{state.startDate.getTime()/1e3 | dateformat}} and {{state.endDate.getTime()/1e3 | dateformat}}
New locations have been recorded for {{state.displayName!=''?state.displayName:state.username}}. Switch to 'Live Tracks' to view. Select 'Live Tracks' from the 'View' menu{{::(', or, press '+('M-L'|keyCmd)|keyB)}}. {{state.demoInfo==0?'In this demo you see the live location of an Android phone with our app traveling in a truck.':(state.demoInfo==1?'The blue line represents the traveled route. In the left bottom corner you see details.':(state.demoInfo==2?'The map can be shared and analyzed. Routes can be downloaded. If needed, many devices can be shown on the same map.':'There are lots of features in the menus. This page is best viewed on a desktop computer.'))}} Click to continue
Reload stradedamoto's Location{{::('M-C'|keyWrp)}}
Center stradedamoto{{::('C'|keyWrp)}}
Fit stradedamoto's Tracks{{::('A'|keyWrp)}}
Fit {{::state.thisuser}}'s Relations{{::('S'|keyWrp)}}
Zoom In{{::('+'|keyWrp)}}
Zoom Out{{::('-'|keyWrp)}}
{{a.name}} {{a.user}} {{a.text}} geofence '{{a.fencetitle}}' at {{a.time | datetimeformat}}
{{showSidebar?'Hide':'Show'}} sidepanel
Click to copy coordinates to clipboard
Speed {{state.speed}}
Altitude {{state.altitude}}
Heading {{state.heading}}
{{state.sunnext}} {{state.suntime}}
Battery {{state.battery}}% {{state.batterytemp}}°C / {{state.batterytemp | fahrenheit}}°F - {{state.batterytime | datetimeformat_noyear}}
{{state.watching}} viewers {{state.watchers}}
{{state.displayName!=''?state.displayName:state.username}} | Historic
Time {{state.historic.time}}
Speed {{state.historic.speed}}
Altitude {{state.historic.altitude}}
{{state.historic.sunnext}} {{state.historic.suntime}}
{{state.watching}} viewers {{state.watchers}}
stradedamoto's Tracks
{{settings.liveShow==1?'Displaying last hour worth of locations.':(settings.liveShow==2?'Displaying last day worth of locations.':(settings.liveShow==3?'Not displaying plots. Select [View] -> [Plot ..] to change.':'Displaying last 3600 locations.'))}} Switch to 'Historic Tracks' for history. Select 'Historic Tracks' from the 'View' menu{{::(', or, press '+('M-H'|keyCmd)|keyB)}}.
Click the trash can to empty trash.
Empty trash

Delete locations in area

Delete locations within a specific area on the map

Delete tracks by radius

Delete tracks that cover an area with a radius smaller than {x}

Delete tracks shorter than

Delete tracks with a total distance shorter than {x}

Delete first point in view


Delete last point in view


Combine All Tracks

Combine tracks

{{track.distance}} {{track.avg_speed}}
{{track.in_trash?'This track is in the trash can':'Click to add this track to the trash can'}}
Speed Graph
stradedamoto's Geo-Tags
{{tabs.geotag.geotags.length}} Geo-Tag{{tabs.geotag.geotags.length==1?'':'s'}}
{{geotag.tagTime | datetimeformat_noyear}}
{{::state.thisuser}}'s Relations
To view colleagues, friends, or family on your map, add them to your relations from the menu on the right, or, add a demo.
1 Relation
Name Time Speed Active Today

Add Relation

Add New Device

{{r.name}} is not active. Enable 'Show Inactive' in Relations menu to show
{{r.name}} {{::r.id}}
{{r.name}} {{::r.id}}
This is you Now viewing map for {{r.name}} You have ownership over {{r.name}}{{r.lev>2?'':' ( Requires upgrade to Business )'}} {{r.name}} has ownership over your account
No data
{{r.head}} at {{r.fspeed}}

{{tabs.relation.request.length}} Relation{{tabs.relation.request.length>1?'s':''}} Requested
{{r.n}} would like to add you
Relation requested {{r.d}}
Accept Decline

{{tabs.relation.invited.length}} Relation{{tabs.relation.invited.length>1?'s':''}} Invited
{{r.n}} has not accepted your invitation yet
Relation requested {{r.d}}
{{::state.thisuser}}'s Geofences
Right-click the map and select 'New geofence' to get started. You can use Geofences to get alerts when a device enters or leaves a pre-defined area.
Title Time
{{::user.name}} {{::user.name}} {{user.text}} ... {{user.text}}
Open 'Geofence Settings' and add a user to monitor to enable this fence.
Chat with stradedamoto
{{msg.time}} Read at {{msg.read}}
Enter a message below and add an optional address or location to send to stradedamoto's device.
Note: Messages can be viewed by anyone with access to stradedamoto's map.
Send message